Touring Shows
in Schools

  • Adhering to TEKS standards for various academic subjects and disciplines
  • Touring Shows in Schools reflect the Latinx populations 
  • Providing cultural literacy about Latinx cultures to people of all backgrounds!


For booking information contact:

Shirley Pizarro, Educational Manager

214-516-0706 or



All plays include lesson plans aligned with the TEKS!


A Play Celebrating Mexico's Day of the Dead

This play tells the story of a Mexican-American girl and a calavera (skeleton) who teaches her the beauty of the Mexican Day of the Dead tradition. Inspired by the engravings of Jose Guadalupe Posada, this performance utilizes masks, movement, physical comedy, and projections of visual art.

For grades 1 through 12. Available year-round.

  • Available for both in-person and virtual performances


A Play Promoting Literacy Told by Mexico's Most Celebrated Poet

This bilingual play tells the story of Mexican poetess Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, who lived in Mexico during the 1600s when women were discouraged from reading and writing. Through perseverance, Sor Juana overcame many obstacles to become the most celebrated poet in Mexico’s history. Highly imaginative, using movement, puppets, and audience interaction, Juana Inés: The Child Who Loved To Read is an excellent example to children of all ages.

Available year-round.

  • Available for both in-person and virtual performances
  • Available also for Spanish-only performances
  • Matinee available at the Latino Cultural Center



A Highly Theatrical and Entertaining Play That Covers 500 Years of Texas History

Based on Social Studies objectives for Texas History, students learn about the roles of Spain, France, Mexico, the Republic of Texas, the Confederacy, and the United States in the story of Texas.

For grades 3-12. Available year-round.

  • Available for both in-person and virtual performances



A Highly Comedic Play Perfect for Youth of All Ages and Every Member of the Family

Cara Mía Theatre entertains with the smallest mask in the world – the red clown nose! Through physical comedy and highly theatrical sketches, students are acquainted with a classical form of theater – the clown!

For grades pre-K through 12. Available year-round.

  • Available for both in-person and virtual play
  • Matinee available at the Latino Cultural Center



A Play Celebrating Cultural Heritage and Exploring Ancient Folktales

A bilingual storytelling performance that uncovers the mythology and culture of the ancient Maya. Utilizing masks and original music, this show meets TEKS objectives in Theater Arts, Music, History, and Cultural Heritage.

For grades 1-6. Available year-round.

  • Available for both in-person and virtual play
  • Matinee available at the Latino Cultural Center


Learn More About Our Plays

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