Big Puppets Residency (8-Class Residency)


Students will create large-sized puppets Mexican puppets or Mojigangas.


Big puppets have been used in many cultures and for many different theater companies around the world. Oversized puppets, or Mojigangas, have been used in Mexican towns during religious and cultural festivities. Mojigangas usually represent humans or animals from the town and are beautiful and playful. In this workshop, students will be shown the various types of puppets there are before creating their own designs. They also will learn how to use the puppets in a show. A presentation will be given for other students, teachers and family members on the eighth day. 

For grades 4 – 12.

Please email Cara Mía Theatre at, or, or call us at 214-516-0706.

Workshop Date Availability: Monday-Saturday
Workshop Time Availability: 8am to 8pm
Workshop Duration: This class will be taught on-campus throughout eight (8) one-hour (2hr) sessions, totalling 16 Hours.
Maximum Student Attendance: 25
Technical Needs: Space for Workshop
Other Information: Access to Cara Mía Education Portal with learning materials will be made available with purchase.