Acting with Mexican Folk Masks (8-Class Residency)


Students will learn how to perform using masks from around the world.


Students will learn how to perform using masks from around the world. They will participate in theater games and learn basic elements for character construction. Students will create a character based on the mask of choice, define what the character does, says, and what others say about them. They will also conduct research on cultural and theatrical masks from around the world. Scenes or a demonstration of developed characters will be presented at the end of the session.

For grades 4-12. Each workshop is customized to be grade level appropriate upon booking. 

Please email Cara Mía Theatre at, or, or call us at 214-516-0706.

Workshop Date Availability: Monday-Saturday
Workshop Time Availability: 8am to 8pm
Workshop Duration: This class will be taught on-campus throughout eight (8) one-hour (1hr) sessions.
Maximum Student Attendance: 25
Technical Needs: Space for Workshop
Other Information: Access to Cara Mía Education Portal with learning materials will be made available with purchase.